Classes, Clinics & Workshops
Your or your team’s preference may be for a ‘classroom’ face-to-face learning experience. t!Ps™ strategy for both face-to-face and distance learning is to build a modular, linked series of Classes to be offered singly or in aggregate. From time to time, t!Ps™ will tactically offer Clinics and Workshops on problems of the day that occur to us, or arise from your feedback.
Classes: face-to-face Classes can be delivered on individual topics, combined thematically, or offered as part of a holistic Petroleum Systems class. As they are created, these classes will be scheduled on the Class Calendar
Clinics: if you or your team need an introduction to, or a refresher on, one or more topics, review the Learning Catalog and request a t!Ps™ clinic on one or a combination of topics
Workshops: if your team needs help to work through a topical problem hands-on, using your proprietary data, t!Ps™ can run a Workshop. Review the Learning Catalog and request a t!Ps™ topical Workshop. These services can be delivered face-to-face time at your office or at an off-site location and this can be non-exclusive or exclusive:
- Non-exclusive: watch the website and sign up to a scheduled Class via your organizational procurement / training process; charges are for a fixed cost and time per attendee
- Exclusive: sessions can be arranged by contacting us via your organizational procurement process and are charged on an hourly or daily rate basis, plus any Venue, Travel & Accommodation costs incurred by t!Ps™. Alternatively, access to t!Ps™ know-how can be assured with a retainer agreement
All materials are digital; charges include the cost of one e-Copy of class materials per attendee, for formal training.