Basin-Processed Data (BPD) Series

Access the public data used in the research behind t!Ps™ Studies and Tools - augment your database and shorten the time to analysis and modeling. As your geophysical colleagues will tell you, good seismic data acquisition and processing are essential steps before interpretation. Why should Petroleum Systems Analysis be any different? In fact, Niall McCormack has coined the phrase ‘Basin Processing” to cover the equivalent activity set in PSA. Important - and voluminous – ‘free’ data in the public domain don’t always find their way into PSA studies due to the tedium, time and cost of assimilating them from fragmented and diverse sources, or because they are obscurely presented. Industry leaders like GeoMark have created large, self-consistent datasets of their own laboratory output, but this still represents a fraction of the total available data in a typical study. Elsewhere, it can seem that almost every geochemist and laboratory present the same information in a different way – adding to the problem. In t!Ps™’ experience there is no substitute for an initial ‘Basin Processing’ step as the foundation for a PSA study. So, t!Ps™ makes available the BPD database of compiled, cleaned and rationalized public data used in each non-exclusive PSS Study, or in each Tool development. BPD features:

  • Merged data sources, track-able to the original Table row or column, or Plot if digitized
  • Site, Parent Sample, Sample, Sub-Sample hierarchy

Geology added! Data utility is amplified by adding geologic context where available to each Parent Sample and Sample:

  • Rationalized stratigraphic information: Group, Formation and Member in Formation Name
  • Standard Formation Age Name code Absolute geologic age (with uncertainty) in MY
  • Pressure and temperature; thermal stress; sample lithology

Geochemical parameters rationalized, simplified and interpreted

  • Consistent nomenclature – a/(a+b) indices with simple codes; rigorous unit definitions
  • Linked geochemical and reservoir fluid (PVT) parameters

t!Ps™ standard Interpretation plots are included as tabs in the .xlsx file – or make your own! The format is a simple, single flat file (.xlsx). Organizations may wish to merge their proprietary data into the same framework. Longer term, t!Ps™ believes that an industry-wide effort is required for industry and academia laboratories, petroleum geoscientists and researchers and software / tool developers to create a global data standard. Learn More

Exploring the Mexican / US Gulf of Mexico or the North Caribbean?

Untitled-6 Basin Processed Data from the southern Gulf of Mexico and North Caribbean Margin | January 2016

This Basin-Processed Data volume [BPD01], companion to study [PSS01], extracts diverse information from key DSDP wells in the deep water GoM basin. It also includes pertinent rock and fluid data from Mexico’s Sureste Basin, South Florida and Cuba - providing a foundation to place the deep water well results in the context of the nearest working Petroleum Systems.

Risk Elements addressed:

Source Potential - assignment of an absolute age to the rock data facilitates a correlation of Source Rock Acmes regionally and calculation of their Ultimate Expellable Potential (UEP)

Charge Access - Thermal Stress Indicator (TSI) data permit a thermal reconstruction of thermal and expulsion history in the Florida Straits